Reliable Zero-Shot Classification with the Trustworthy Language Model
In zero-shot classification, we use a Foundation model to classify input data into predefined categories (aka. classes), without having to train this model on a dataset manually annotated with these categories. This utilizes the pre-trained model’s world knowledge to accomplish tasks that would require much more work training classical machine learning models from scratch. The problem with zero-shot classification of text with LLMs is we don’t know which LLM classifications we can trust. Most LLMs are prone to hallucination and will often predict a category even when their world knowledge does not suffice to justify this prediction.
This tutorial demonstrates how you can easily replace any LLM with Cleanlab’s Trustworthy Language Model (TLM) to gauge the trustworthiness of each zero-shot classification, as well as automatically boosting classification accuracy. Use TLM to ensure reliable classification where you identify which model predictions cannot be trusted. This can be useful for automated data labeling, by revealing which subset of the data can be confidently handled by the LLM vs. which data requires human annotation.
This tutorial requires a TLM API key. Get one here.
The Python client package can be installed using pip:
%pip install cleanlab-studio
import re
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from cleanlab_studio import Studio
studio = Studio("<your API key>") # Get your free API key from:
Let’s load an example classification dataset. Here we consider legal documents from the “US” Jurisdiction of the Multi_Legal_Pile, a large-scale multilingual legal dataset that spans over 24 languages. We aim to classify each document into one of three categories: [caselaw, contracts, legislation]
We’ll prompt our TLM to categorize each document and record its response and associated trustworthiness score. You can use the ideas from this tutorial to improve LLMs for any other text classification task!
First download our example dataset and then load it into a DataFrame.
wget -nc ''
df = pd.read_csv('zero_shot_classification.csv')
Perform Zero Shot Classification with TLM
Let’s initalize a TLM
object using default TLM configuration settings. Advanced configuration options exist that can produce improved classification accuracy or trustworthiness scoring.
tlm = studio.TLM() # to boost performance, consider adding: quality_preset = 'best'
Next, let’s define a prompt template to instruct TLM on how to classify each document’s text. Write your prompt just as you would with any other LLM when adapting it for zero-shot classification. A good prompt template might contain all the possible categories a document can be classified as, as well as formatting instructions for the LLM response. Of course the text of the document is crucial.
'You are an expert Legal Document Auditor. Classify the following document into a single category that best represents it. The categories are: `{categories}`. In your response, first provide a brief explanation as to why the document belongs to a specific category and then on a new line write "Category: <category document belongs to>". \nDocument: `{document}`'
If you have a couple labeled examples from different classes, you may be able to get better LLM predictions via few-shot prompting (where these examples + their classes are embedded within the prompt). Here we’ll stick with zero-shot classification for simplicity, but note that TLM can also be used for few-shot classification just like any other LLM.
Lets apply the above prompt template to all documents in our dataset and form the list of prompts we want to run. For one arbitrary document, we print the actual corresponding prompt fed into TLM below.
zero_shot_prompt_template = 'You are an expert Legal Document Auditor. Classify the following document into a single category that best represents it. The categories are: `{categories}`. In your response, first provide a brief explanation as to why the document belongs to a specific category and then on a new line write "Cateogry: <category document belongs to>". \nDocument: `{document}`'
categories = ['caselaw', 'contracts', 'legislation']
string_categories = str(categories).replace('\'', '')
# Create a DataFrame to store results and apply the prompt template to all examples
results_df = df.copy()
results_df['prompt'] = results_df['text'].apply(lambda x: zero_shot_prompt_template.format(categories=string_categories, document=x))
print(f"`{[7, 'prompt']}`")
Now we prompt TLM and save the output responses and their associated trustworthiness scores for all examples. We recommend the try_prompt()
method to run TLM over datasets with many examples.
outputs = tlm.try_prompt(results_df['prompt'].to_list())
results_df[["response","trustworthiness_score"]] = pd.DataFrame(outputs)
Parse raw LLM Responses into Category Predictions
Our prompt template asks the LLM to explain it’s predictions, which can boost their accuracy. We now parse out the classification prediction, which should be exactly one of the categories for each document. Because LLMs don’t necessarily follow output formatting instructions perfectly, we define a function that parses out only the expected categories. If no value out of the possible categories is directly mentioned in the response, the category with greatest string similarity to the response is returned (along with a warning).
Note If there are no close matches between the LLM response and any of the possible categories
, then the last entry of the categories
list is returned. We can add an “other” category to account for bad responses that are hard to parse into a specific category.
categories_with_bad_parse = categories + ["other"]
Optional: Define helper methods to parse categories and better display results.
(click to expand)
import warnings
def parse_category(
response: str,
categories: list,
disable_warnings: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Extracts one of the provided categories from the response using regex patterns. Returns last extracted category if multiple exist.
If no category out of the possible `categories` is directly mentioned in the response, the category with greatest string similarity to the response is returned (along with a warning).
If there are no close matches between the LLM response and any of the possible `categories`, then the last entry of the `categories` list is returned.
response: Response from the LLM
categories: List of expected categories, the last value of this list should be considered the default/baseline value (eg. “other”),
that value will be returned if there are no close matches.
disable_warnings: If True, print warnings are disabled
response_str = str(response)
# Create string pattern of listed constrain outputs
escaped_categories = [re.escape(output) for output in categories]
categories_pattern = "(" + "|".join(escaped_categories) + ")"
# Parse category if LLM response is properly formatted
exact_matches = re.findall(categories_pattern, response_str, re.IGNORECASE)
if len(exact_matches) > 0:
return str(exact_matches[-1])
# If there are no exact matches to a specific category, return the closest category based on string similarity.
best_match = max(
categories, key=lambda x: SequenceMatcher(None, response_str, x).ratio()
similarity_score = SequenceMatcher(None, response_str, best_match).ratio()
if similarity_score < 0.5:
warning_message = (
f"None of the categories remotely match raw LLM output: {response_str}.\n"
+ "Returning the last entry in the constrain outputs list."
best_match = categories[-1]
warning_message = f"None of the categories match raw LLM output: {response_str}"
if not disable_warnings:
return best_match
def display_result(results_df: pd.DataFrame, index: int):
"""Displays TLM result for the example from the dataset whose `index` is provided."""
print(f"TLM predicted category: {results_df.iloc[index].predicted_category}")
print(f"TLM trustworthiness score: {results_df.iloc[index].trustworthiness_score}\n")
results_df['predicted_category'] = results_df['response'].apply(lambda x: parse_category(x, categories_with_bad_parse))
Analyze Classification Results
Let’s first inspect the most trustworthy predictions from our model. We sort the TLM outputs over our documents to see which predictions received the highest trustworthiness scores.
results_df = results_df.sort_values(by='trustworthiness_score', ascending=False)
display_result(results_df, index=0)
A document about “DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION National Highway Traffic Safety Administration” clearly belongs to some legislative measure, so it makes sense that TLM classifies it into the “legislation” category with high trustworthiness.
display_result(results_df, index=1)
Another document titled as “National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List” clearly belongs to some legislative measure, so it makes sense that TLM classifies it into the “legislation” category with high trustworthiness.
display_result(results_df, index=2)
This document about “Amendment to Loan Agreement” is clearly a contract, so it makes sense that TLM classifies it into the “contracts” category with high trustworthiness.
Least Trustworthy Predictions
Now let’s see which classifications predicted by the model are least trustworthy. We sort the data by trustworthiness scores in the opposite order to see which predictions received the lowest scores. Observe how model classifications with the lowest trustworthiness scores are often incorrect, corresponding to examples with vague/irrelevant text or documents possibly belonging to more than one category.
results_df = results_df.sort_values(by='trustworthiness_score')
display_result(results_df, index=0)
This is clearly not a contract but instead a caselaw document with a case number. It’s good to see that TLM gives a low trustworthiness score.
display_result(results_df, index=1)
This document also clearly a caselaw, but the model predicted it to be contracts. It’s good to see that TLM gives a low trustworthiness score.
display_result(results_df, index=3)
This document clearly does not belong in any of the three categories as it is just a series of image titles. It makes sense why TLM gives a low trustworthiness score.
How to use Trustworthiness Scores?
If you have time/resources, your team can manually review the LLM classifications of low-trustworthiness responses and provide a better human classification instead. If not, you can determine a trustworthiness threshold below which responses seem too unreliable to use, and have the model abstain from predicting in such cases (i.e. outputting “I don’t know” instead).
The overall magnitude/range of the trustworthiness scores may differ between datasets, so we recommend selecting any thresholds to be application-specific. First consider the relative trustworthiness levels between different data points before considering the overall magnitude of these scores for individual data points.
Measuring Classification Accuracy with Ground Truth Labels
Our example dataset happens to have labels for each document, so we can load them in to assess the accuracy of our model predictions. We’ll study the impact on accuracy as we abstain from making predictions for examples receiving lower trustworthiness scores.
wget -nc ''
df_ground_truth = pd.read_csv('zero_shot_classification_labels.csv')
df = pd.merge(results_df, df_ground_truth, on=['index'], how='outer')
df['is_correct'] = df['type'] == df['predicted_category']
print('TLM zero-shot classification accuracy over all documents: ', df['is_correct'].sum() / df.shape[0])
Next suppose we instead abstain from making predictions on 50% of the documents flagged with the lowest trustworthiness scores (e.g. having experts manually categorize these documents instead).
quantile = 0.5 # Play with value to observe the accuracy vs. number of abstained examples tradeoff
filtered_df = df[df['trustworthiness_score'] > df['trustworthiness_score'].quantile(quantile)]
acc = filtered_df['is_correct'].sum() / filtered_df.shape[0]
print(f'TLM zero-shot classification accuracy over the documents within the top-`{(1-quantile) * 100}`% of trustworthiness scores: `{acc}`')
This shows the benefit of considering TLM’s trustworthiness score for zero-shot classification over having to rely on results from a standard LLM.