Using TLM via the OpenAI library to score the trustworthiness of: structured outputs, function calling, messages, and more
This tutorial demonstrates how to assess the trustworthiness of OpenAI model responses using Cleanlab’s Trustworthy Language Model (TLM), accessible directly through the OpenAI library. Existing OpenAI users: you can obtain real-time trustworthiness scores for every OpenAI response, without changing your code.
Using TLM via the OpenAI library enables you to leverage OpenAI’s advanced features (structured outputs, function calling, …), while reliably scoring the trustworthiness of each response to automatically catch errors/hallucinations made by OpenAI.
In this tutorial, we use OpenAI’s structured outputs feature to perform multi-label classification (i.e. document tagging) with trustworthiness scores from TLM. The same method can be used to score the trustworthiness of any type of output from OpenAI (not just structured outputs).
This tutorial requires a TLM API key. Get one here.
The Python packages required for this tutorial can be installed using pip:
%pip install --upgrade openai tqdm
import pandas as pd
from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from openai import OpenAI
import ast
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
Fetch example Dataset
This tutorial uses a modified version of the Alexa intent detection dataset.
Each text sample contains several statements that could correspond to multiple intents (for example controlling devices, asking for information etc). The label corresponding to each example specifies what the intent of that statement is, where there could be more than one intent corresponding to each sample. Let’s take a look at the dataset below:
In this tutorial, we will only run the LLM inference on 50 randomly sampled examples of this dataset as a demonstration.
wget -nc
data = pd.read_csv("massive_multilabel_classification.csv")
data["labels"] = data["labels"].apply(ast.literal_eval)
data = data.sample(50, random_state=123).reset_index(drop=True)
Obtain LLM Predictions
Define Structured Output Schema
First, we need to get a list of all possible classes from the given dataset:
multilabel_classes = data["labels"].explode().unique()
Then, we can create a object that inherits from pydantic’s BaseModel
to represent the multi-label classification schema, ensuring that each predicted label is validated against the predefined list of possible classes:
class MultiLabelClassification(BaseModel):
classes: list[Enum("MultilabelClasses", `{name: name for name in multilabel_classes}`)]
Prompt OpenAI
Then, we can instantiate the OpenAI client, pointing the base_url
to TLM, which allows us to also get the trustworthiness score associated with each response.
# Get your Cleanlab API key from:
client = OpenAI(
api_key="<Cleanlab API key>",
Here is an example of how we can prompt OpenAI with one sample text:
sample_text = data['text'][0]
completion =
`{"role": "user", "content": f"Classify the following text: {sample_text}`"}
The returned object matches what OpenAI would ordinarily return, except it has an additional tlm_metadata
field from TLM with extra information like the trustworthiness score. This way you can use TLM as a drop-in replacement for OpenAI in any application (and will still get back the same responses you’d get directly from OpenAI). Let’s parse the predictions and trustworthiness score from the returned response:
parsed_predictions = [prediction.value for prediction in completion.choices[0].message.parsed.classes]
trustworthiness_score = completion.tlm_metadata["trustworthiness_score"]
print(f"Predicted Classes: `{parsed_predictions}`")
print(f"Trustworthiness Score: `{trustworthiness_score}`")
Batch Prompt on a Dataset
Here, we define a quick helper function that allows us to process multiple texts in parallel, which will speed up prompting the LLM on an entire dataset. The helper functions also parses and collects the predictions and trustworthiness score in a DataFrame for easy downstream analysis.
def classify_text(text):
completion =
messages=[`{"role": "user", "content": f"Classify the following text: {text}`"}],
return `{
"predictions": [pred.value for pred in completion.choices[0].message.parsed.classes],
"trustworthiness_score": completion.tlm_metadata["trustworthiness_score"],
def classify_texts_batch(texts, batch_size=20, max_threads=8, sleep_time=10):
results = []
for i in tqdm(range(0, len(texts), batch_size)):
batch = texts[i:i + batch_size]
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_threads) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(classify_text, text) for text in batch]
batch_results = [f.result() for f in futures]
# sleep to prevent hitting rate limits
if i + batch_size < len(texts):
return pd.DataFrame(results)
results = classify_texts_batch(data["text"])
Examine Results
We have now obtained the predictions and trustworthiness score for each given text. Let’s examine the results in more detail.
combined_results = pd.concat([data, results], axis=1)
combined_results = combined_results.rename(columns=`{"labels": "ground_truth_labels"}`)
High Trustworthiness Scores
The responses with the highest trustworthiness scores represent texts where TLM is the most confident that it has predicted the correct intents.
We can see below that the predictions for the samples below match the ground truth labels and are correctly classified.
combined_results.sort_values("trustworthiness_score", ascending=False).head(3)
Low Trustworthiness Scores
The responses with the lowest trustworthiness scores indicate outputs we are least confident are good.
Results with low trustworthiness scores would benefit most from manual review, especially if we need almost all outputs across the dataset to be correct.
For examples with the lowest trustworthiness scores in our dataset shown below, you can see that the predictions tend to be incorrect or could use further review.
Using Different Quality Presets
You can use TLM with different quality presets by specifying the preset after the model name.
For example, in this example below we specify model="gpt-4o-low"
to use TLM on low
quality preset (for lower cost/latency). If unspecified, the default quality preset used is medium
Currently, only base
, low
, and medium
presets are supported when using TLM via the OpenAI library. Read more about quality presets here.
sample_text = data['text'][0]
completion =
`{"role": "user", "content": f"Classify the following text: {sample_text}`"}
We re-emphasize that you can use TLM via the OpenAI library to score the trustworthiness of any type of OpenAI output (not just structured outputs). Beyond structured outputs, we recommend using TLM via the OpenAI library for LLM applications involving: function calling, system prompts and multiple user/assistant messages, as well as other advanced features offered by OpenAI but not most LLM APIs.
For questions about the OpenAI API, refer to the documentation linked from their library.