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Curating data with TLM for more reliable Retrieval-Augmented Generation

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Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) enhances AI models by allowing them to access external knowledge, leading to more accurate, up-to-date, and context-aware responses. Building a reliable RAG system is crucial for improved accuracy, reduced hallucinations, adaptability, and trustworthiness.

In this tutorial, we’ll use Pinecone as the vector DB, but the same concepts should apply to any vector DB and RAG system. We’ll combine Cleanlab’s Trustworthy Language Model (TLM) with vector database capabilities to create a RAG system that efficiently retrieves relevant information while ensuring data quality and reliability.

By combining the TLM with vector database capabilities, we can create a RAG system that not only retrieves relevant information efficiently but also ensures the quality and reliability of the data being used. This notebook will guide you through the process of:

  1. Using TLM to tag and clean document data, removing low-quality chunks and personally identifiable information (PII).
  2. Leveraging Pinecone to create and manage a vector database for storing and retrieving document embeddings.
  3. Implementing a RAG pipeline that uses both tools to provide accurate and trustworthy responses.
  4. Utilizing TLM to classify metadata, enhance retrieval, and evaluate the trustworthiness of RAG outputs.

Reliable RAG with Pinecone and Cleanlab

Let’s install dependencies to run the notebook and then import our libraries:

%pip install pinecone-client==5.0.1 sentence-transformers==3.0.1 cleanlab-studio
import pandas as pd
import time
import warnings
import os
import pinecone
import uuid
from pinecone import ServerlessSpec
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Optional
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import re

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)
if "PINECONE_API_KEY" not in os.environ:
os.environ["PINECONE_API_KEY"] = input("Please enter your Pinecone API key: ")

Below is an example of how to set a Python index serverless specification, this allows us to define the cloud provider and region where we want to deploy our index. You can find a list of all available providers and regions here.

cloud = os.environ.get("PINECONE_CLOUD") or "aws"
region = os.environ.get("PINECONE_REGION") or "us-east-1"

spec = ServerlessSpec(cloud=cloud, region=region)

Fetch and Load Documents Data

First let’s fetch the dataset.

wget -nc

Let’s read in our documents data that we will use in this workflow. The data columns include the filename of the document and the document text.

# Read in dataset
df = pd.read_csv("documents-RAG-demo.csv")

As you can see below, some of our documents may have missing text while others do not.

index filename text
0 0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... Blackstone Third Quarter 2023 Investor Call Oc...
1 1 documents/8k-nike.pdf SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONFORM 8-K Cur...
2 2 documents/FY24-Q1-NIKE-Press-Release.pdf NaN
3 3 documents/10-K 2022-Apple2.pdf The future principal payments for the Company’...
4 4 documents/q3-fy22-earnings-presentation.pdf Financial\tpresentation\tto\t accompany\tmanag...

Use TLM to tag your documents with a topic

For our RAG system, it would be ideal to tag each of our documents with a particular topic that is most relevant (based on the text content), which can be used as metadata we can filter with during retrieval in our RAG system.

We can now use the Trustworthy Language Model (TLM) to tag our document chunks with the correct document topic that we can later use to enhance our retrieval process of fetching the correct context from our vector DB.

The TLM is a more reliable LLM that gives high-quality outputs and indicates when it is unsure of the answer to a question, making it suitable for applications where unchecked hallucinations are a show-stopper.

Using the TLM

Using TLM requires a Cleanlab account. Sign up for one here if you haven’t yet. If you’ve already signed up, check your email for a personal login link.

Let’s initialize the TLM client. Here we use powerful TLM settings, but check out the TLM quickstart tutorial for configuration options to get results tailored to your use case.

from cleanlab_studio import Studio

# Get API key from here: after creating an account.
key = "<API key>"

studio = Studio(key)

# Use the most powerful OpenAI model with TLM
tlm = studio.TLM(quality_preset="high", options={"model": "gpt-4o"})

output = tlm.prompt("<your prompt>")

Let’s now use the TLM to do classification and classify the text (tag) into different topics. We will make use of code from the TLM Zero-Shot Classification Tutorial to do this. This includes the two helper functions parse_category() and classify() that can be found below.

Optional: Define helper functions to extract categories from the LLM output and classify texts into categories (click to expand)

def parse_category(
response: str,
categories: List[str],
disable_warnings: bool = False
) -> str:
Extracts one of the provided categories from the response using regex patterns.

If no category out of the possible categories is directly mentioned in the response,
the category with greatest string similarity to the response is returned (along with a warning).

response (str): Response from the LLM
categories (List[str]): List of expected categories
disable_warnings (bool): If True, print warnings are disabled

str: The extracted or best-matching category
response_str = str(response)
escaped_categories = [re.escape(output) for output in categories]
categories_pattern = "(" + "|".join(escaped_categories) + ")"

exact_matches = re.findall(categories_pattern, response_str, re.IGNORECASE)
if len(exact_matches) > 0:
return str(exact_matches[-1])

best_match = max(
categories, key=lambda x: SequenceMatcher(None, response_str, x).ratio()
similarity_score = SequenceMatcher(None, response_str, best_match).ratio()

if similarity_score < 0.5:
warning_message = f"None of the categories remotely match raw LLM output: {response_str}.\nReturning the last entry in the constrain outputs list."
best_match = categories[-1]
warning_message = f"None of the categories match raw LLM output: {response_str}"

if not disable_warnings:

return best_match

def classify(texts: List[str], categories: List[str], prompt_template: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[float]]:
Classifies a list of texts into predefined categories using a language model.

texts (List[str]): List of texts to classify
categories (List[str]): List of possible categories
prompt_template (str): Template string for formatting the prompt

Tuple[List[str], List[float]]: A tuple containing two lists:
- List of predicted categories for each text
- List of trustworthiness scores for each prediction
prompts = [prompt_template.format(text=text) for text in texts]
outputs = tlm.try_prompt(prompts)

responses = [output['response'] for output in outputs]
trustworthiness_scores = [output['trustworthiness_score'] for output in outputs]

predictions = [parse_category(response, categories) for response in responses]

return predictions, trustworthiness_scores

Now we can define the prompt and categories we will use to tag our documents with the correct topic.

# Use TLM to tag your documents with a topic
tagging_prompt = """
You are an assistant for tagging text as one of several topics. The available topics are:

1. 'finance': Related to financial matters, budgeting, accounting, investments, lending, or monetary policies.
2. 'hr': Pertaining to Human Resources, including hiring, employee documents (such as a W4 form), employee management, benefits, or workplace policies.
3. 'it': Covering Information Technology topics such as software development, network infrastructure, cybersecurity, or tech support.
4. 'product': Dealing with a specific company product, product development, management, features, or lifecycle.
5. 'sales': Involving selling a product, customer acquisition, revenue generation, or sales performance.

If you are not sure which topic to tag the text with, then answer 'unknown'. Only use the lower case text version of the topic name.

Task: Analyze the following text and determine the topic it belongs to. Return the topic as a string.

Now here is the Text to verify:

Text: {text}


categories = ['finance', 'hr', 'it', 'product', 'sales', 'unknown']

Next we will use our helper functions to tag our documents with the correct topic.

predictions, trustworthiness_scores = classify(df["text"].tolist(), categories, tagging_prompt)

topics_df = df.copy()
topics_df['topic'] = predictions
topics_df['topic_trustworthiness'] = trustworthiness_scores
    Querying TLM...   0%|          |

Querying TLM... 100%|██████████|
# Display results
index filename text topic topic_trustworthiness
0 0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... Blackstone Third Quarter 2023 Investor Call Oc... finance 0.985678
1 1 documents/8k-nike.pdf SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONFORM 8-K Cur... finance 0.947063
2 2 documents/FY24-Q1-NIKE-Press-Release.pdf NaN unknown 0.963138
3 3 documents/10-K 2022-Apple2.pdf The future principal payments for the Company’... finance 0.952134
4 4 documents/q3-fy22-earnings-presentation.pdf Financial\tpresentation\tto\t accompany\tmanag... finance 0.985763

As seen above, after running classify(), you will notice two new columns in the dataset:

  • topic, a column with the response that we prompted for
  • topic_trustworthiness, a corresponding trustworthiness score, which quantifies how confident you can be that the response is correct

Now we can use the Trustworthiness Score obtained in our results (as topic_trustworthiness) to analyze which of our topic responses are the most trustworthy and least trustworthy.

For our use case, at a low enough threshold score for topic_trustworthiness, we can replace the topic value for those responses with unknown since we can’t be sure to trust those responses.

This threshold can be determined by sorting the results by the trustworthiness score and then looking for a cutoff point in the results when topic values seem untrustworthy.

In practice, generally speaking, if you have the time/resources, your team can manually review low-trustworthiness responses and provide a better human response instead. If not, you can determine a trustworthiness threshold below which responses seem untrustworthy, and automatically append a warning statement to any response whose trustworthiness falls below the threshold or flag those responses in the appropriate way for your use case.

The overall magnitude/range of the trustworthiness scores may differ between datasets, so we recommend selecting any thresholds to be application-specific. First consider the relative trustworthiness levels between different data points before considering the overall magnitude of these scores for individual data points.

sorted_topic_df = topics_df.sort_values(
by="topic_trustworthiness", ascending=False
index filename text topic topic_trustworthiness
31 31 documents/hiring-process-infographic.pdf County of Santa ClaraHiring Options For Manage... hr 0.998459
97 97 documents/sales-process.pptx The Sales Process and Techniques Marketing Pri... sales 0.998156
102 102 documents/the-selling-process-1.pdf ObjectiveThe nature of the customer.\tGenerall... sales 0.996991
95 95 documents/the-selling-process-2.pdf ObjectivePreparing to sell No\tmatter\twhat\tp... sales 0.994916
101 101 documents/best- buy-sales-doc.docx Essential Sales Strategies - Closing the DealT... sales 0.994565
96 96 documents/selling-on-amazon-welcome.pdf The beginner’s guide toSelling on AmazonWelcom... sales 0.990125
63 63 documents/TecNewEquipmentRequest.pdf Grade Level/Dept StaffYes Cost: ______________... it 0.988642
75 75 documents/plug-test-caps.pdf Plug-On Test Caps Product SpecificationsFEATUR... product 0.988273
4 4 documents/q3-fy22-earnings-presentation.pdf Financial\tpresentation\tto\t accompany\tmanag... finance 0.985763
0 0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... Blackstone Third Quarter 2023 Investor Call Oc... finance 0.985678
index filename text topic topic_trustworthiness
80 80 documents/product-instructions-oven.docx Talking Combination Oven ES7253Product Instruc... product 0.931520
64 64 documents/internet_safety.pptx INTERNET SAFETYIntervention and PreventionTrai... it 0.924140
14 14 documents/RetailMailings.doc Fidelity Investments FundsNetworkProcedures f... finance 0.899811
20 20 documents/UnreleasedGames.doc EVERY GAME THAT WAS NEVER RELEASED FOR THE SPE... unknown 0.847405
56 56 documents/K-5-internet_safety.ppt INTERNET SAFETYWhat is the Internet &Why is it... it 0.838359
84 84 documents/smp-application-table.docx Streaming Media Player ApplicationPlease revie... product 0.814944
58 58 documents/ElectricalRequestForm.pdf Use this form to request parts and equipment f... unknown 0.768220
59 59 documents/internetsafety.ppt Santa Rosa District SchoolsINTERNET SAFETYNove... unknown 0.729705
8 8 documents/LD_Trucost_Company_Presentation_0504... Quantitative Environmental Performance Measure... finance 0.726891
35 35 documents/Research-Assistant.pdf Job Description and Responsibilities forResear... product 0.544833

After sorting the results in descending order by the topic_trustworthiness score, the results seem to be less trustworthy for scores less than 0.8.

Let’s replace each of these less trustworthytopic responses with unknown now.

topics_df.loc[topics_df["topic_trustworthiness"] < 0.8, "topic"] = (

To get a sense of the distribution of topics we’ve tagged in our documents data, let’s look at the distribution now:

topic_counts = topics_df["topic"].value_counts(dropna=False)
print(f"\nTopic Column Distribution:\n{topic_counts}")

# Percentage distribution of topics
topic_percentages = topics_df["topic"].value_counts(normalize=True) * 100
print(f"\nTopic Percentage Distribution:\n{topic_percentages}")
Topic Column Distribution:
hr 26
product 19
finance 18
sales 16
unknown 13
it 11
Name: count, dtype: int64

Topic Percentage Distribution:
hr 25.242718
product 18.446602
finance 17.475728
sales 15.533981
unknown 12.621359
it 10.679612
Name: proportion, dtype: float64

Initialize RAG Pipeline using our documents data

Optional: Define PineconeRAGPipeline class to index and search documents using Pinecone (click to expand)

class PineconeRAGPipeline:
def __init__(
model_name: str = "paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2",
index_name: str = "document-index",
cloud: str = "aws",
region: str = "us-east-1",
Initialize the PineconeRAGPipeline with a specified model and index name.

model_name (str): Name of the SentenceTransformer model to use.
index_name (str): Name of the Pinecone index to create or connect to.
cloud (str): Cloud provider for Pinecone.
region (str): Region for the Pinecone service.
self.model = SentenceTransformer(model_name)
if not os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"):
self.pc = pinecone.Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
self.index_name = index_name

existing_indexes = self.pc.list_indexes()

if self.index_name not in existing_indexes:
print(f"Creating new index: {self.index_name}")
spec=pinecone.ServerlessSpec(cloud=cloud, region=region),
except Exception as e:
if "ALREADY_EXISTS" in str(e):
f"Index {self.index_name} already exists. Connecting to existing index."
raise e
f"Index {self.index_name} already exists. Connecting to existing index."

self.index = self.pc.Index(self.index_name)

def chunk_text(self, text: str, max_tokens: int = 256) -> List[str]:
Split text into chunks based on a maximum token size.

text (str): The document text to be chunked.
max_tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens per chunk.

List[str]: List of text chunks.
words = text.split()
chunks = []
current_chunk = []
current_chunk_tokens = 0

for word in words:
word_tokens = len(self.model.tokenize([word])["input_ids"][0])
if current_chunk_tokens + word_tokens > max_tokens and current_chunk:
chunks.append(" ".join(current_chunk))
current_chunk = []
current_chunk_tokens = 0

current_chunk_tokens += word_tokens

if current_chunk:
chunks.append(" ".join(current_chunk))

for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
f"Chunk {i+1} length: {len(chunk)} characters, "
f"{len(self.model.tokenize([chunk])['input_ids'][0])} tokens"

return chunks

def index_documents(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> int:
Index documents from a DataFrame with specific metadata structure.

df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing document information and metadata.
Expected columns: 'text', 'filename', 'topic'

int: The number of chunks successfully indexed.
valid_docs = []
valid_metadata = []
generated_ids = []

print("Starting document processing...")

for idx, row in df.iterrows():
if pd.isna(row["text"]) or pd.isna(row["filename"]) or pd.isna(row["topic"]):
print(f"Skipping invalid document at index {idx}: {row['filename']}")

doc = str(row["text"])
print(f"Processing document {row['filename']} at index {idx}...")

chunks = self.chunk_text(doc)

for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
chunk_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
chunk_metadata = {
"filename": row["filename"],
"topic": row["topic"],
"chunk_index": i,
"total_chunks": len(chunks),
"chunk_id": chunk_id,

print(f"Total chunks to encode: {len(valid_docs)}")

if not valid_docs:
print("No valid documents to index.")
return 0

doc_embeddings = self.model.encode(valid_docs)

batch_size = 100
for i in range(0, len(valid_docs), batch_size):
batch_docs = valid_docs[i : i + batch_size]
batch_metadata = valid_metadata[i : i + batch_size]
batch_embeddings = doc_embeddings[i : i + batch_size]

vectors = [
generated_ids[i + j],
{**metadata, "text": doc[:1000]},
for j, (doc, embedding, metadata) in enumerate(
zip(batch_docs, batch_embeddings, batch_metadata)

print(f"Successfully indexed batch of {len(vectors)} chunks.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during upsert: {e}")

print("Document indexing completed.")
return len(valid_docs)

def search(
self, query: str, top_k: int = 5, filter_query: Optional[Dict] = None
) -> List[Tuple[str, Dict]]:
Search for the top_k most relevant documents based on the input query and optional filter.

query (str): The search query text.
top_k (int): The number of top relevant documents to return.
filter_query (Optional[Dict]): Optional filter query to apply during search.

List[Tuple[str, Dict]]: List of top_k relevant document texts and their metadata.
Each tuple contains (document_text, metadata_dict).
query_embedding = self.model.encode(query)

results = self.index.query(

return [
{k: v for k, v in match.metadata.items() if k != "text"},
for match in results.matches
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during search: {e}")
return []

def delete_index(self) -> None:
Delete the Pinecone index.

Exception: If there's an error during the deletion process.
print(f"Index '{self.index_name}' has been deleted.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error deleting index: {e}")

def extract_all_chunks_from_index(self, max_chunks: int = 10000) -> pd.DataFrame:
Extract all document chunks and metadata from the Pinecone index into a DataFrame.

max_chunks (int): Maximum number of chunks to retrieve.

pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing chunk data and metadata.
Columns include all metadata fields stored in the index.

Exception: If there's an error retrieving chunks from the index.
stats = self.index.describe_index_stats()
total_vectors = stats.total_vector_count
dimension = stats.dimension

print(f"Index name: {self.index_name}")
print(f"Total vectors according to stats: {total_vectors}")
print(f"Vector dimension: {dimension}")

results = self.index.query(
vector=[0.0] * dimension,

chunk_data = [match.metadata for match in results.matches]
chunk_df = pd.DataFrame(chunk_data)

print(f"Total chunks retrieved: {len(chunk_df)}")
return chunk_df

except Exception as e:
print(f"Error retrieving chunks from index: {e}")
return pd.DataFrame()

def delete_chunks(self, chunk_ids: List[str]) -> None:
Delete specific chunks from the Pinecone index.

chunk_ids (List[str]): List of chunk IDs to delete.

Exception: If there's an error during the deletion process.
print(f"Successfully deleted {len(chunk_ids)} chunks from the index.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error deleting chunks: {e}")
print(f"Problematic chunk IDs: {chunk_ids}")

print(f"Finished deletion process for {len(chunk_ids)} chunks.")

Let’s use the RAG pipeline we have defined above to create a Pinecone index - then we upsert our document chunks into our vector DB in batches.

# Create RAG pipeline on unfiltered documents
rag_pipeline = PineconeRAGPipeline(index_name="cleanlab-pinecone-index")

After upserting our document chunks, let’s now confirm that the upsertion worked properly (after waiting 30 seconds to give the vector DB time to update) by reading the document chunks into a new DataFrame chunk_df.


# Extract chunks from the Pinecone index into a DataFrame
chunk_df = rag_pipeline.extract_all_chunks_from_index()

# Display the resulting DataFrame
Index name: cleanlab-pinecone-index
Total vectors according to stats: 2432
Vector dimension: 384
Total chunks retrieved: 2432
chunk_id chunk_index filename text topic total_chunks
0 93b8208c-ed08-4dca-bc3a-f0a3a851e647 4.0 documents/Walmart_2022_Investor_Information.pdf follows:2023HighLow1st Quarter(1)$146.94$132.0... finance 9.0
1 c77a729a-2099-4563-b9f6-95bbe91b57a1 5.0 documents/2012_14.doc Pay transactions on HUE01 using the following ... hr 17.0
2 5509e93a-bfe6-4692-a793-b68999e62bd2 5.0 documents/internet_safety.pptx 751-5980 (800) 487-1626 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST,... it 6.0
3 6352bd45-9d99-4f86-98e9-26edd34ce6ce 139.0 documents/Investor_Transcript_2023-10-26.pdf PROVIDE AN ACCURATE TRANSCRIPTION, THERE MAY B... finance 141.0
4 a21c6510-2a56-4a1f-89ee-17da5d2f3994 12.0 documents/2012_14.doc When entering deduction override amounts for a... hr 17.0
# Confirm number of chunks matches the number of rows in the DataFrame
    (2432, 6)
document_data_columns = list(chunk_df.columns)
print(f"The columns in our documents data are: {document_data_columns}")
    The columns in our documents data are: ['chunk_id', 'chunk_index', 'filename', 'text', 'topic', 'total_chunks']

We can see below that the number of chunks per document varies:

chunks_per_doc = chunk_df.groupby("filename")["chunk_index"].max() + 1
documents/10-K 2022-Apple.pdf 3.0
documents/10-K 2022-Apple2.pdf 16.0
documents/2012_14.doc 17.0
documents/2020_-_I-9_Employment_Verification_Training_Presentation.ppt 17.0
documents/2023-CEASampleEmployeeHandbook.doc 286.0
documents/the-selling-process-1.pdf 7.0
documents/the-selling-process-2.pdf 10.0
documents/unit04.pdf 22.0
documents/what-is-selling.pptx 7.0
documents/work-ez-specs.pdf 2.0
Name: chunk_index, Length: 95, dtype: float64

Use TLM to detect and filter out bad document chunks

Now that we have extracted our document chunks from our Pinecone index, let’s use the TLM (via the helper functions we defined earlier to tag documents) to detect low quality document chunks (i.e. HTML, not interpretable/cut off phrases, or non English text) and personally identifiable information (PII) to filter out these chunks from our vector DB.

Below we define the prompts we will use to find the document chunks that are badly chunked or contain PII and run our classify() helper function to obtain the response and trustworthiness scores from TLM.

# Bad chunks detection (you can replace this with your own definitions)
bad_chunks_prompt = """
I am chunking documents into smaller pieces to create a knowledge base for question-answering systems.

Task: Help me check if the following Text is badly chunked. A badly chunked text is any text that is: full of HTML/XML and other non-language strings or non-english words, has hardly any informative content or missing key information, or text that contains Personally-Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive confidential information.

Return 'bad_chunk' if the provided Text is badly chunked, and 'good_chunk' otherwise. Please be as accurate as possible, the world depends on it.

Text: {text}

bad_chunk_categories = ["bad_chunk", "good_chunk"]
bad_chunk_predictions, bad_chunk_scores = classify(chunk_df["text"].tolist(), bad_chunk_categories, bad_chunks_prompt)

chunk_df['chunk_quality'] = bad_chunk_predictions
chunk_df['chunk_quality_trustworthiness'] = bad_chunk_scores
    Querying TLM... 100%|██████████|
# PII detection
pii_prompt = """
I am chunking documents into smaller pieces to create a knowledge base for question-answering systems.

Task: Analyze the following text and determine if it has personally identifiable information (PII). PII is information that could be used to identify an individual or is otherwise sensitive. Names, addresses, phone numbers are examples of common PII.

Return 'is_PII' if the text contains PII and 'no_PII' if it does not. Please be as accurate as possible, the world depends on it.

Text: {text}

pii_categories = ["is_PII", "no_PII"]
pii_predictions, pii_scores = classify(chunk_df["text"].tolist(), pii_categories, pii_prompt)

chunk_df['pii_check'] = pii_predictions
chunk_df['pii_check_trustworthiness'] = pii_scores
    Querying TLM... 100%|██████████|
sorted_chunk_quality_df = chunk_df.sort_values(
by="chunk_quality_trustworthiness", ascending=False
sorted_is_pii_df = chunk_df.sort_values(
by="pii_check_trustworthiness", ascending=False

Now let’s check how many document chunks are bad chunks or contain PII but also in which the response trustworthiness score is >= 0.95, which represent the most trustworthy responses using TLM.

worst_chunks = sorted_chunk_quality_df.query(
"chunk_quality == 'bad_chunk' and chunk_quality_trustworthiness >= 0.95"
worst_pii = sorted_is_pii_df.query(
"pii_check == 'is_PII' and pii_check_trustworthiness >= 0.95"

f"Number of document chunks that have the worst chunk quality based on trustworthiness: {worst_chunks.shape[0]}"
f"Number of document chunks have the worst PII based on trustworthiness: {worst_pii.shape[0]}"
    Number of document chunks that have the worst chunk quality based on trustworthiness: 577
Number of document chunks have the worst PII based on trustworthiness: 107

We have observed the capabilities that the TLM can provide in detecting these low quality document chunks, so let’s now:

  1. Update our Pinecone DB by removing the chunks with any of the issues detected by the TLM
  2. Verify that the update to our Pinecone DB worked

Let’s observe some of the worst chunks that we are going to delete:

    %20 %12 %2 %5 %15 %—13 %Cover Page Cover PageSep. 29, 2022Cover [Abstract] Document Type Document Period End Date Entity Registrant Name Entity Incorporation, State or Country Code OR Entity File Number Entity Tax Identification Number Entity Address, Address Line One Entity Address, City or Town Entity Address, State or Province Entity Address, Postal Zip Code City Area Code Local Phone Number Written Communications Soliciting Material Pre-commencement Tender Offer Pre-commencement Issuer Tender Offer Title of

______________________________________ Student ID#: ___________School: _________________________________________________________ Grade: ________________Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________Please return to your child’s school ONLY if you do not want them

These chunks are clearly not easy to understand nor do they represent full English phrases.

Now let’s observe some of the worst examples of PII that we are going to delete:

    and install will vary on a case-by-case basis. Forms submitted with incomplete information will delay the decision-making process. PLEASE NOTE: Any requests may be considered for approval as a Pilot prior to full implementation, as determined by the Director of Academic Services, the Director of Pupil Services and the Director of Technology.Sam Jones01/01/24sjones@gmail.com561-555-1254Tori Pines404 Spruce Avenue, Paradise, NV

AmbraAmbra 120 DBL BasePage 1/2CollectionModel |Dimensions Metric1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 inch = 25.4 mm 1051 Lea Drive - Collegeville, PA 19426 Tel. 215 513 9400 - Fax 610 831 0215 - info@wsbathcollectins.comProduct Specs SheetsPowered by TCPDF ( by TCPDF (

These examples contain sensitive information such as phone numbers, email addresses and personal names that are flagged by Cleanlab - so these definitely contain PII that can be removed!

We can now construct the list of chunks to delete based on the chunk_id we previously created for each chunk that we can tie to each chunk in our vector DB.

# Get the chunk IDs for the chunks that have issues to update our Pinecone index
worst_chunks_to_delete_ids = worst_chunks["chunk_id"].tolist()
worst_pii_to_delete_ids = worst_pii["chunk_id"].tolist()
chunks_to_delete_ids = list(set(worst_chunks_to_delete_ids + worst_pii_to_delete_ids))
# Number of chunks to delete
# Delete the identified chunks from the index
    Successfully deleted 663 chunks from the index.
Finished deletion process for 663 chunks.

After deleting our document chunks, let’s now confirm that the deletion worked properly (after waiting 30 seconds to give the vector DB time to update) by reading the document chunks into a new DataFrame updated_chunk_df.

We will also then confirm the number of chunks deleted is equal to the total number of original chunks minus the number of chunks after filtering out bad chunks.

# Sleep timer to allow the deletion process to complete

# Verify the update went through and we have the correct number of chunks
updated_chunk_df = rag_pipeline.extract_all_chunks_from_index()
Index name: cleanlab-pinecone-index
Total vectors according to stats: 1769
Vector dimension: 384
Total chunks retrieved: 1769
chunk_id chunk_index filename text topic total_chunks
0 5d6cff8b-a53f-4f60-a2a6-60b46417560d 2.0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... release and slide presentation, which are avai... finance 127.0
1 c1143934-3f34-4099-b452-6cc1a8036c2c 3.0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... 10-K We'll also refer to certain non-GAAP meas... finance 127.0
2 afe8ca91-78cb-4851-8f92-b8e682dbb3da 4.0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... $1.2 billion, or $0.94 per common share, and w... finance 127.0
3 a6026edc-c32b-4ef2-baea-23bcdb0a2ba9 5.0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... shared human values, and we are deeply saddene... finance 127.0
4 df61e9a8-7518-44a7-98a6-57a912e1e418 6.0 documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Invest... year-to-year basis. Higher interest rates, alo... finance 127.0
# Confirm the number of chunks deleted is equal to the total number of original chunks minus the number of chunks after filtering out bad chunks
assert len(chunk_df) - len(updated_chunk_df) == len(chunks_to_delete_ids)

Note: You can also run this data ingestion (tagging, chunking, and cleaning) into a Pinecone vector DB index in real-time as new documents are being ingested.

How to search for documents with metadata

Below is an example on how you can search for your curated documents based on a query of your choice and use metadata to help filter for the relevant information.

In this case, we specify topic = sales to find the top k (where k is number of results to return and equal to 2 here) documents that best match the search query/metadata filters.

results =
query="Tell me about sales", # YOUR SEARCH QUERY HERE
filter_query={"topic": {"$eq": "sales"}},

for doc_text, metadata in results:
print(f"Document: {doc_text[:100]}...")
print(f"Metadata: {metadata}")
print("-" * 500)
    Document: learn the person’s name, position, age, education, experience, hobbies, etc. Many times, just gettin...
Metadata: {'chunk_id': 'aeb314c7-9d16-4c2d-859b-85d4a0b098c5', 'chunk_index': 5.0, 'filename': 'documents/the-selling-process-2.pdf', 'topic': 'sales', 'total_chunks': 10.0}
Document: often used in a streamlined sales process.You have completed the topic for the sales process. Thank ...
Metadata: {'chunk_id': '0087d732-8978-422e-a730-889d58d51026', 'chunk_index': 14.0, 'filename': 'documents/sap-sales-overview.pdf', 'topic': 'sales', 'total_chunks': 15.0}

Use TLM for intent classification of queries

Suppose our user is asked which topic their question is about from a pre-defined list. Alternatively, we could train a classifier to predict the topic from the question (automatically using TLM). This way, the intent classification is done automatically (and reliably) to obtain our topic that pertains to a user question. This topic can then be used for metadata filtering when querying against our vector DB.

# Intent classification
intent_classification_prompt = """
You are an assistant for classifying a question as one of several topics. The available topics are:

1. 'finance': Related to financial matters, budgeting, accounting, investments, lending, or monetary policies.
2. 'hr': Pertaining to Human Resources, including hiring, employee documents (such as a W4 form), employee management, benefits, or workplace policies.
3. 'it': Covering Information Technology topics such as software development, network infrastructure, cybersecurity, or tech support.
4. 'product': Dealing with a specific company product, product development, management, features, or lifecycle.
5. 'sales': Involving selling a product, customer acquisition, revenue generation, or sales performance.

If you are not sure which topic to classify the question as, then answer 'unknown'. Only use the lower case text version of the topic name.

Task: Analyze the following question and determine the topic it belongs to. Return the topic as a string.

Now here is the question to verify:

Text: {text}

question = "What were Blackstone's fee-related earnings in the third quarter of 2023?"

Using the question and prompt defined above, let’s now use TLM to classify the question into the correct topic (intent classification) that we will use as the metadata to filter our vector DB query with:

intent_predictions, intent_trustworthiness_scores = classify([question], categories, intent_classification_prompt)

metadata_topic_response = {
"metadata_response": intent_predictions[0],
"metadata_trustworthiness_score": intent_trustworthiness_scores[0]


# Extract the topic from the response
metadata_topic = metadata_topic_response["metadata_response"]
    Querying TLM... 100%|██████████|

{'metadata_response': 'finance', 'metadata_trustworthiness_score': 0.9782569595638215}

Below, you can then specify the classified metadata topic (or other relevant metadata) when filtering to help search for the relevant context in your Pinecone index.

Since we don’t know where to stick the documents with an unknown topic value, we will always include the unknown topic in the filter.

# Define the list of topics to filter on
topic_filter = [metadata_topic, "unknown"]

# Use the classified topic to filter the search results
top_doc_chunk =
question, top_k=1, filter_query={"topic": {"$in": topic_filter}}
print(f"Top document chunk for this query: \n\n{top_doc_chunk[0][0]}")
    Top document chunk for this query: 

of year-over-year base management fee growth at Blackstone. Fee-related earnings were $1.1 billion in the third quarter, or $0.92 per share, largely stable with Q2, underpinned by steady top-line performance, along with the firm's strong margin position. The year-over-year comparison was affected by a decline in transaction fees, which are activity-based, as well as lower fee-related performance revenues. Notwithstanding these headwinds, the firm generated $275 million of fee-related performance revenues in

Use TLM to get Trustworthiness Score for RAG Outputs

Now let’s use the context from our top document chunk we obtained in the previous step to actually answer the original question asked: What were Blackstone's fee-related earnings in the third quarter of 2023?

top_doc_chunks = "".join(
question, top_k=1, filter_query={"topic": {"$in": topic_filter}}

prompt = f"""You are an assistant for answering the following question based on the document context.

Question: {question}
Document Context: {top_doc_chunks}

Now let’s query TLM using the prompt we previously created using our user query + document context passed from our RAG Pinecone index.

output = tlm.prompt(prompt)
    {'response': "Blackstone's fee-related earnings in the third quarter of 2023 were $1.1 billion.",
'trustworthiness_score': 0.993302111747707}

Is this response correct?

text_to_check = updated_chunk_df.query("filename == 'documents/Blackstone-Third-Quarter-2023-Investor-Call.pdf' and text.str.contains('of year-over-year base management fee', case=False, na=False)").iloc[0]["text"]
    'Fee-related earnings were $1.1 billion in the third quarter'

Can we find a hallucination?

Let’s now try to find a hallucination but first classify the intent of this new question into the correct metadata topic value.

question = "Can you tell me if these Good's Homestyle Potato Chips support 9 per row in the case?"
intent_predictions, intent_trustworthiness_scores = classify([question], categories, intent_classification_prompt)

metadata_topic_response = {
"metadata_response": intent_predictions[0],
"metadata_trustworthiness_score": intent_trustworthiness_scores[0]


# Extract the topic from the response
metadata_topic = metadata_topic_response["metadata_response"]
    Querying TLM... 100%|██████████|

{'metadata_response': 'product', 'metadata_trustworthiness_score': 0.951910293755863}

Now we can pass the question and context into our prompt to catch this hallucination.

# Define the list of topics to filter on
topic_filter = [metadata_topic, "unknown"]

top_doc_chunks = "".join(
question, top_k=1, filter_query={"topic": {"$in": topic_filter}}

prompt = f"""You are an assistant for answering the following question based on the document context.

Question: {question}
Document Context: {top_doc_chunks}

# Runs the TLM with confidence reliablity scores with default model and quality preset
tlm = studio.TLM()

output = tlm.prompt(prompt)
    {'response': "Yes, the Good's Homestyle Potato Chips support 9 per row in the case, as indicated by the pallet configuration of 72 per pallet (9 x 8).",
'trustworthiness_score': 0.7508270454814128}

Is this correct?

There are 24 chip bags per case which cannot support 9 per row, so this is a hallucination.

text_to_check = updated_chunk_df.query("filename == 'documents/potato-chips-specs.pdf'").iloc[0]["text"]
    '24/case (3 x 6 & 6 on top)'

Apply TLM to Existing RAG Prompt/Response Pairs

If you have a RAG system in which you already have retrieved the context and obtained a response from your LLM but still want to add trust and reliability to these input/output pairs, you can generate a trustworthiness score for these prompt/response pairs. Refer to this section from the TLM quickstart tutorial for more details on how to do this.

# Redefine TLM to use the high quality preset and GPT-4o model
tlm = studio.TLM(quality_preset="high", options={"model": "gpt-4o"})

prompt = """Based on the following documents, answer the given question.

Documents: We're getting new desks! Specs are here: Staples Model RTG120XLDBL BasePage \
CollectionModel | Dimensions width = 60.0in height = 48.0in depth = 24.0in Base Color Black \
Top Color White | Specs SheetsPowered by TCPDF (

Question: What is the width of the new desks?

response_A = "60 inches"
response_B = "24 inches"

trust_score_A = tlm.get_trustworthiness_score(prompt, response_A)
trust_score_B = tlm.get_trustworthiness_score(prompt, response_B)

print(f"TLM Score for Response A: {trust_score_A}")
print(f"TLM Score for Response B: {trust_score_B}")
    TLM Score for Response A: {'trustworthiness_score': 0.8209634111514514}
TLM Score for Response B: {'trustworthiness_score': 0.09573812948850895}

The trustworthiness score for the prompt/response pair that has the correct response is expectedly much higher (and therefore more trustworthy) than the prompt/response pair with the incorrect response.

To summarize, we used TLM to curate the knowledge base data of a RAG system, tagging documents with metadata that enhances overall reliability. While this tutorial used Pinecone as the vector database, the same approach applies to any other vector database and RAG system.

Learn more about leveraging TLM in RAG applications via our Trustworthy RAG with TLM tutorial.