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Detecting Issues in (Unsupervised) Datasets Without Labels

Run in Google ColabRun in Google Colab

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Cleanlab Studio’s Python API to analyze and find issues in datasets without labels. This can be useful if you don’t have a single column in your dataset that you want to predict values for but still want to find issues such as low-quality/unsafe image or text content (e.g. NSFW or blurry images, toxic or unreadable text). In machine learning nomenclature, working with such data is called unsupervised learning (because there is no supervised label to predict).

Cleanlab Studio supports analyzing data without labels for text and image modalities. In this tutorial, we’ll look at a text dataset consisting of Tweets about airlines. This tutorial can be generally used to detect issues in any text column of a dataset or collection of images.

Note: analyzing data without labels is currently only supported in the Python API. If you require an interactive interface to improve your unsupervised dataset, please contact us to discuss your use case.

Install and import dependencies

pip install -U cleanlab-studio
import pandas as pd

from cleanlab_studio import Studio

from IPython.display import display
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)

Prepare and Upload Dataset

Our dataset for this tutorial is a collection of Tweets directed at various airlines.

Load Dataset

We’ll load the dataset into a Pandas DataFrame from a CSV file hosted in S3. The CSV file contains the following columns:

0,@VirginAmerica What @dhepburn said.
1,@VirginAmerica plus you've added commercials to the experience... tacky.
<id of tweet>,<tweet text>

You can similarly format any other text or image dataset and run the rest of this tutorial. Details on how to format your dataset can be found in this guide, which also outlines other format options.

dataset_url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_url)
tweet_id text
0 0 @VirginAmerica What @dhepburn said.
1 1 @VirginAmerica plus you've added commercials to the experience... tacky.
2 2 @VirginAmerica I didn't today... Must mean I need to take another trip!

Load Dataset into Cleanlab Studio

First instantiate a Studio object, which can be used to analyze your dataset.

# you can find your API key by going to, 
# clicking "Upload via Python API", and copying the API key there
API_KEY = "<insert your API key>"

studio = Studio(API_KEY)

Next load the dataset into Cleanlab Studio (more details/options can be found in this guide). This may take a while for big datasets.

dataset_id = studio.upload_dataset(df, dataset_name="Tweets (no-labels)")

Launch a Project

Let’s now create a project using this dataset. A Cleanlab Studio project will automatically train ML models to provide AI-based analysis of your dataset.

Here, we explicitly set the task_type parameter to unsupervised to specify that there is no supervised ML training task to run. If you would like to run supervised ML training and detect label errors in a labeled dataset or annotate unlabeled data, instead choose another ML task type (e.g. "multi-class", "multi-label", or "regression"; see this guide for details).

project_id = studio.create_project(
project_name="Tweets (no-labels) Project",
model_type="regular", # text issue detection is currently only available in Regular mode
print(f"Project successfully created and training has begun! project_id: {project_id}")

Above, we specified modality="text" because this tutorial uses a text dataset; you can specify modality="image" if you’re using a image dataset. See the documentation for create_project for the full set of options.

Once the project has been launched successfully and you see your project_id, feel free to close this notebook. It will take some time for Cleanlab’s AI to train on your data and analyze it. Come back after training is complete (you will receive an email) and continue with the notebook to review your results.

You should only execute the above cell once per dataset. After launching the project, you can poll for its status to programmatically wait until the results are ready for review. Each project creates a cleanset, an improved version of your original dataset that contains additional metadata for helping you clean up the data. The next code cell simply waits until this cleanset has been created.

Warning! For big datasets, this next cell may take a long time to execute while Cleanlab’s AI model is training. If your notebook has timed out during this process, you can resume work by re-running the below cell (which should return the cleanset_id instantly if the project has completed training). Do not re-run the above cell and create a new project.

cleanset_id = studio.get_latest_cleanset_id(project_id)
print(f"cleanset_id: {cleanset_id}")
project_status = studio.wait_until_cleanset_ready(cleanset_id, show_cleanset_link=True)

Once the above cell completes execution, your project results are ready for review!

Download Cleanlab columns

We can fetch the Cleanlab columns that contain the metadata of this cleanset using its cleanset_id. These columns have the same length as your original dataset and provide metadata about each individual data point, like what types of issues it exhibits and how severe these issues are.

If at any point you want to re-run the remaining parts of this notebook (without creating another project), simply call studio.download_cleanlab_columns(cleanset_id) with the cleanset_id printed from the previous cell.

cleanlab_columns_df = studio.download_cleanlab_columns(cleanset_id)
cleanlab_row_ID is_near_duplicate near_duplicate_score near_duplicate_cluster_id is_outlier outlier_score is_empty_text text_num_characters is_PII PII_score ... non_english_score predicted_language is_toxic toxic_score sentiment_score bias_score is_biased gender_bias_score racial_bias_score sexual_orientation_bias_score
0 1 False 0.399615 <NA> False 0.580445 False 35 True 0.2 ... 0.490506 <NA> False 0.083435 0.834229 0.380908 False 0.380908 0.152832 0.018829
1 2 False 0.415263 <NA> False 0.569778 False 72 True 0.2 ... 0.081569 <NA> False 0.612305 0.142975 0.351074 False 0.014209 0.351074 0.001138
2 3 False 0.370318 <NA> False 0.609644 False 71 True 0.2 ... 0.071165 <NA> False 0.108826 0.573975 0.159546 False 0.000000 0.159546 0.000110
3 4 False 0.281063 <NA> False 0.705755 False 126 True 0.2 ... 0.126798 <NA> False 0.651855 0.145264 0.333789 False 0.333789 0.281250 0.018372
4 5 False 0.538334 <NA> False 0.476579 False 55 True 0.2 ... 0.059800 <NA> False 0.320312 0.164673 0.413330 False 0.209766 0.413330 0.029282

5 rows × 28 columns

Review detected data issues

Details about all of the Cleanlab columns and their meanings can be found in this guide. Here we briefly showcase some of the Cleanlab columns that correspond to issues detected in our tutorial dataset. Since our dataset only has a text column, this tutorial focuses on issues specific to text fields such as the occurence of personally identifiable information (PII) and toxic language (see here for details).

The data points exhibiting each type of issue are indicated with boolean values in the respective is_<issue> column, and the severity of this issue in each data point is quantified in the respective <issue>_score column (on a scale of 0-1 with 1 indicating the most severe instances of the issue).

Let’s take a closer look at some issues flagged in our dataset. We merged the columns from our original dataset with the Cleanlab columns (metadata) produced by Cleanlab Studio:

# Load the dataset into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_url)

# Combine the dataset with the cleanlab columns
combined_dataset_df = df.merge(cleanlab_columns_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is information that could be used to identify an individual or is otherwise sensitive. Exposing PII can compromise an individual’s security and hence should be safeguarded and anonymized/removed if discovered in publicly shared data.

Cleanlab’s PII detection also returns two extra columns, PII_items and PII_types, which list the specific PII detected in the text and its type. Possible types of PII that can be detected are detailed in the guide and scored according to how sensitive each type of information is.

Here are some examples of PII detected in the dataset:

PII_samples = combined_dataset_df.query("is_PII").sort_values("PII_score", ascending=False)

columns_to_display = ["tweet_id", "text", "PII_score", "is_PII", "PII_types", "PII_items"]
tweet_id text PII_score is_PII PII_types PII_items
407 407 @VirginAmerica FYI the email address you say to contact in password reset emails doesn't exist. Emails bounce. 0.5 True ["Twitter username", "email"] ["@VirginAmerica", ""]
3377 3377 @united Need to track lost luggage being shipped to me. Need ph # for human. Not automated 800-335-2247. 0.5 True ["Twitter username", "phone number"] ["@united", "800-335-2247"]
742 742 @united I send you an urgent message via BG0KWM Narayanan. Please respond ASAP. Also, NO local United Tel # @ KUL 0.5 True ["Twitter username", "email"] ["@united", ""]
3872 3872 @united delayed about 8 hours because of missed connections due to mechanical issues on 1st flight. rebooked, but please call me 9148445695 0.5 True ["Twitter username", "phone number"] ["@united", "9148445695"]
960 960 @united iCloud it is not there yet -- PLEASE HELP 917 703 1472 0.5 True ["Twitter username", "phone number"] ["@united", "917 703 1472"]

Text that contains toxic language may have elements of hateful speech and language others may find harmful or aggressive. Identifying toxic language is vital in tasks such as content moderation and LLM training/evaluation, where appropriate action should be taken to ensure safe platforms, chatbots, or other applications depending on this dataset.

Here are some examples in this dataset detected to contain toxic language:

toxic_samples = combined_dataset_df.query("is_toxic").sort_values("toxic_score", ascending=False)

columns_to_display = ["tweet_id", "text", "toxic_score", "is_toxic"]
tweet_id text toxic_score is_toxic
1197 1197 @united you are the worst airline in the world! From your crap website to your worthless app to your Late Flight flight. You SUCK! Just shut down. 0.912598 True
2122 2122 @united I hope your corporate office is ready to deal with the rage created by your shitty service and bullshit pilots. #UnitedAirlinesSucks 0.904785 True
2039 2039 @united thanks for letting me sleep at DIA to ensure you ruin as much of my vacation as possible. Wait, no, fuck you. #unitedairlinessucks 0.894531 True
2566 2566 @united no. U guys suck. I'll never fly with u again. And ur supervisors suck too. 0.894043 True
1374 1374 @united after a Cancelled Flighted flight, and 2 delays, you lost my luggage AGAIN! You're the WORST! Disgraceful! Awful company, horrible service! 0.890625 True

Outlier indicates this data point is very different from the rest of the data (looks atypical). The presence of outliers may indicate problems in your data sources, consider deleting such data from your dataset if appropriate.

samples_ranked_by_outlier_score = combined_dataset_df.query("is_outlier").sort_values("outlier_score", ascending=False)

columns_to_display = ["text", "outlier_score", "text_num_characters", "is_outlier"]
text outlier_score text_num_characters is_outlier
2292 @united The Opal Dragon book The Dragon (ALI) has woven his murdering ways from the Philippines to Australia 0.885225 131 True
10 @VirginAmerica did you know that suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens 10-24 0.885063 95 True
469 @VirginAmerica Man of steel flies to more cities though...and with more frequency too. 0.851450 86 True
2811 .@united It's worth saying that, if you litter in Singapore, you get caned. "But there are rules" says @united 0.842480 110 True
1817 @united welcome to our world, that's a snow world today. @GooseBayAirport Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada. 0.837079 125 True
418 @VirginAmerica Your back of seat entertainment system does not accept credit cards that have an apostrophe in the surname. #apostrophefail 0.836217 139 True
2357 @united SATURDAY this morning Man dies from Ebola 0.832924 72 True
677 @united So what does someone with severe anxiety do when the one person who can help him isn't next to him? 0.832567 107 True
2296 @united Hello we are doing a world record attempt on the amount of ball point pens in a collection please could you help with a pen? 0.830536 132 True
361 Bruh “@VirginAmerica: @giannilee Turn down for what. #VXSafetyDance” 0.829851 68 True

Near duplicate indicates there are other data points that are (exactly or nearly) identical to this data point. Duplicated data points can have an outsized impact on models/analytics, so consider deleting the extra copies from your dataset if appropriate.

n_near_duplicate_sets = len(set(combined_dataset_df.loc[combined_dataset_df["near_duplicate_cluster_id"].notna(), "near_duplicate_cluster_id"]))
print(f"There are {n_near_duplicate_sets} sets of near duplicate texts in the dataset.")
    There are 18 sets of near duplicate texts in the dataset.
# Sort the combined dataset by near_duplicate_cluster_id
sorted_combined_dataset_df = combined_dataset_df[combined_dataset_df['is_near_duplicate']].sort_values(by="near_duplicate_cluster_id")

columns_to_display = ["text", "near_duplicate_score", 'near_duplicate_cluster_id', "is_near_duplicate"]

text near_duplicate_score near_duplicate_cluster_id is_near_duplicate
14 @VirginAmerica Thanks! 1.000000 0 True
193 @VirginAmerica thanks! 1.000000 0 True
231 @VirginAmerica thanks so much! 0.912910 0 True
281 @VirginAmerica Thank you!! 0.938341 0 True
331 @VirginAmerica Thanks! 1.000000 0 True
... ... ... ... ...
3462 @united THIS IS THE YEAR FOR VAN GOGH FANS TO VISIT EUROPE\n 0.921737 16 True
4176 @United Airlines Cancelled Flights OC FLL #flight today. $700 to switch. No notice no apology. We are done flying #UnitedAirlines. 0.989779 17 True
4181 @United Airlines Cancelled Flights OC FLL #flight today. $700 to switch. No notice no apology. Done flying #UnitedAirlines. 0.989779 17 True
4366 @SouthwestAir sent! 0.940663 18 True
4481 @SouthwestAir sent 0.940663 18 True

70 rows × 4 columns

Note that the near duplicate data points each have an associated near_duplicate_cluster_id integer. Data points that share the same IDs are near duplicates of each other, so you can use this column to find the near duplicates of any data point. And remember the near duplicates also include exact duplicates as well (which have near_duplicate_score = 1).

The above only showcases a small subset of all the different types of issues and metadata that Cleanlab Studio can provide for an unsupervised dataset with no labels. See this guide for the full set of issues that Cleanlab Studio audits your data for to help you prevent problems.

Visualizing issues in an unsupervised text dataset

Using these results

Depending on your goal, you may want to take some steps to improve your dataset based on these results (i.e. by removing text detected to be low-quality or unsafe from your dataset). Alternatively, you might use the Cleanlab-generated metadata to better understand your dataset (e.g. understanding the prevalence of toxic language). Determining how to use the results of these analyses will vary based on your dataset and use case. Remember that Cleanlab Studio can also auto-detect low-quality or unsafe images as well. If you’d like to discuss your use case, please contact us.

Visualizing issues in an unsupervised image dataset