Methods for interfacing with deployed ML models (to produce predictions).
This module is not meant to be imported and used directly. Instead, use Studio.get_model()
to instantiate a Model object.
The Model Deployment tutorial explains the end-to-end workflow for using Cleanlab Studio’s model deployment functionality.
class Model
Represents a machine learning model instance in a Cleanlab Studio account.
Models should be instantiated using the Studio.get_model()
method. Then, using a Model object, you can predict()
labels for new data.
method __init__
__init__(api_key: str, model_id: str)
Initializes a model.
Objects of this class are not meant to be constructed directly. Instead, use Studio.get_model()
method predict
batch: Union[List[str], ndarray[tuple[int, ], dtype[str_]], Series, DataFrame],
return_pred_proba: bool = False,
timeout: int = 930
) → Union[ndarray[tuple[int, ], dtype[int64]], ndarray[tuple[int, ], dtype[str_]], ndarray[tuple[int, ], dtype[Any]], Tuple[Union[ndarray[tuple[int, ], dtype[int64]], ndarray[tuple[int, ], dtype[str_]], ndarray[tuple[int, ], dtype[Any]]], DataFrame]]
Gets predictions (and optionally, predicted probabilities) for batch of examples using deployed model. Currently only supports tabular and text datasets.
: batch of examples to predict classes forreturn_pred_proba
: whether to return predicted class probabilities for each exampletimeout
: optional parameter to set timeout for predictions in seconds (defaults to 930s)
: the predicted labels for the batch as a numpy array. For a multi-class model, returns a numpy array of the labels with types matching types of given labels in the original training set (string, integer, or boolean). For a multi-label model, returns a numpy array of lists of strings, where each list includes the labels that are present for the corresponding row. -
: optionally returns pandas DataFrame of the class probabilities where column names correspond to the labels.
Example outputs: Multi-class project: Say we have a dataset with 3 classes, “bear”, “cat” and “dog”. For two example rows, the deployed model predicts “cat” and “dog”, each with probability 1. The outputs will be:
:array(['cat', 'dog'])
ClassProbabilities: bear cat dog 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 1.0 Note that for multi-class predictions, ClassProbabilities rows will sum to 1, and the prediction for each row corresponds to the column with the highest probability.
Multi-label project: Say we have some text dataset that we want sentiment predictions for, and the model predicts probabilities [0.6, 0.9, 0.1]
for the set of possible labels, “happy”, “excited”, “sad”; for a second example, the predicted probabilities are [0.1, 0.3, 0.8]
. The outputs will be:
:array([["happy", "excited"], ["sad"]])
ClassProbabilities: happy excited sad 0 0.6 0.9 0.1 1 0.1 0.3 0.8 Note that for multi-label predictions, each entry in a row of the ClassProbabilities should be interpreted as the probability that label is present for the example.