Each Codex Project corresponds to a database where SMEs store and manage answers for user queries. Each Project has additional properties you can configure which are listed below. View your Projects in the Web App. Create a new Project via our Create/Configure a Project tutorial.
Use separate Codex Projects for different RAG applications. If necessary, you can easily export the contents of one Project (via the Web App), and then programmatically load them into another Project.
Each Codex Project contains the following data:
Question: A question corresponding to a user query that was asked to your RAG app (can be answered or unanswered).
Answer: The desired answer to a question, entered by a SME.
How it works
When a Codex Project is integrated with your RAG application, your application can check Codex for answers to user queries as needed. This check is done via a semantic search which compares the query against all of the answered questions stored in the Codex Project. If a semantically identical question was answered in the Codex Project, then it is returned.
Each time Codex is checked in this way, the query is logged as a Question in the Codex Project. Codex maps all semantically identical queries to the same Question in the Project. If you’re using one of our recommended Codex-integration options: your RAG app will check Codex whenever it might’ve produced a bad response (either because it does not know the answer, or its generated response is untrustworthy). Thus under these integrations, Questions appearing in the Codex Project are those where your RAG app struggles, so a SME-provided answer will improve your RAG app whenever a similar query is asked in the future.
SMEs can use Codex to: identify queries poorly handled by your RAG app, prioritize them, enter answers such that your RAG app will properly handle such queries in the future (once and for all).
Optional Project configurations (for advanced developers)
access_key: API key used by Developers to integrate this Codex Project with a RAG app.
max_threshold_distance: Semantic distance (between 0 and 1, inclusive) between a user query and a question within Project database. The query and question are considered identical if their semantic distance is lower than this threshold. Decrease this value if you find Codex-answers are being returned for user queries whose desired answer is actually different. To maximize the benefits of Codex, this threshold should be set to the largest value where you never observe the aforementioned problem. We generally recommend values between 0.1 - 0.2.